Egypt Travel Guide

Egypt Travel Guide: An In-Depth Exploration

Egypt, the cradle of ancient civilization, beckons travelers with its rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty.

From the iconic Pyramids of Giza to the mesmerizing Red Sea, Egypt offers a travel experience like no other.

This Egypt travel guide aims to provide you with comprehensive insights and travel advice to make your visit to Egypt a memorable one.

Facts and Numbers

  • Location: Northeast Africa, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea, Libya, Sudan, Israel, and the Red Sea.
  • Capital: Cairo
  • Currency: Egyptian Pound (EGP)
  • Language: Arabic (official), English widely understood in tourist areas.
  • Area: 1,001,450 square kilometers
  • Population: Approximately 83.7 million
  • Climate: Desert climate, with hot summers and mild winters.
  • Religion: Predominantly Muslim, with a minority of Christians.
  • Time Zone: Eastern European Time (EET)
  • Electricity: 220V, 50Hz, Type C & F plugs

Best Times to Visit

Peak Season

The busiest time to visit Egypt is during the winter months (October to April), when the weather is cooler, especially in the southern part. This is an ideal time for sightseeing and exploring the ancient sites.

Off-Peak Season

The summer months (May to September) can be extremely hot, especially in the desert regions. However, this is a great time to visit Red Sea resorts, and you may find lower prices and fewer crowds at tourist attractions.

Egypt Itinerary Essentials

Cairo: The Heart of Egypt

Cairo, the bustling capital city, is often the starting point for any Egypt itinerary. Home to the Egyptian Museum, the grand mosques, and the famous Giza Pyramids, Cairo is a blend of modernity and ancient Egyptian civilization. A day trip to the pyramids is a must, where you can marvel at the Great Pyramid, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Luxor: The Ancient City

Luxor, often referred to as the world’s largest open-air museum, houses the Luxor Temple, Karnak Temple, and the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut.

The West Bank of Luxor is home to the Valley of the Kings, where ancient Egyptians buried their pharaohs. Read more what to see and do in Luxor, if you’re heading there.

Red Sea Resorts: A Diver’s Paradise

The Red Sea coast, with its pristine coral reefs and vibrant marine life, is a haven for divers and beach lovers. Sharm El Sheikh and Marsa Alam are popular Red Sea resorts offering world-class diving experiences.

Nile Cruise: A Journey Through Time

A Nile cruise is a quintessential Egypt travel experience, allowing you to explore ancient sites along the Nile River. From Luxor to Aswan, a Nile cruise offers a unique perspective of Egypt’s ancient heritage.

Abu Simbel: The Majestic Temples

A visit to Abu Simbel, home to the Abu Simbel Temple, is often part of an Egypt itinerary. The grandeur of these rock-cut temples, dedicated to Pharaoh Ramses II and his queen Nefertari, is awe-inspiring.

Travel Advice and Tips

  • Visa: Most tourists require an e-visa to enter Egypt. The e-visa online process is straightforward, and it’s advisable to apply through the official website.
  • Safety: While Egypt is generally safe for tourists, it’s wise to exercise caution, especially in North Sinai and the Libyan border areas. Follow the advice of the Egyptian authorities and your tour operator.
  • Health: Ensure you have travel insurance and are aware of local health regulations. Drinking bottled water is recommended.
  • Currency: Carry some Egyptian pounds for local expenses. ATMs are available in big cities.
  • Weather: The summer months can be scorching, especially in southern parts. The winter season offers fewer crowds and pleasant weather.
  • Dress Code: Being a Muslim country, modest dressing is appreciated, especially in religious sites.
  • Local SIM Card: Consider purchasing a local SIM card for trouble-free communication.

Visit Egypt

Egypt, with its rich tapestry of ancient sites, bustling big cities, and tranquil Red Sea resorts, offers an unparalleled travel experience.

Whether exploring the Giza Pyramids, cruising the Nile River, or diving in the Red Sea, this Egypt travel guide aims to equip you with all the essential information for a memorable visit to Egypt.

Tourist Attractions

The Pyramids of Giza

The Giza Pyramids, located on the outskirts of Cairo, are the most iconic symbols of ancient Egypt. The Great Pyramid, the largest of the three, is a marvel of engineering and a testament to the ingenuity of the ancient Egyptians. Don’t miss the Sphinx, a mysterious figure guarding the pyramids.

Luxor’s Ancient Temples

Luxor, often referred to as an open-air museum, is home to some of Egypt’s most remarkable ancient sites. The Karnak Temple, Luxor Temple, and the Valley of the Kings are must-visit attractions.

Red Sea Diving

The Red Sea resorts, particularly Sharm El Sheikh and Marsa Alam, offer some of the world’s best diving experiences. The coral reefs are teeming with marine life, providing a colorful underwater spectacle.

Nile Cruise

A Nile cruise is more than just a leisurely journey; it’s a voyage through Egypt’s history. Explore temples, tombs, and ancient cities as you sail between Luxor and Aswan.

Abu Simbel Temple

The grand Abu Simbel Temple, dedicated to Ramses II, is renowned for its colossal statues and intricate carvings. It’s a popular day trip from Aswan.

White Desert

The surreal landscapes of the White Desert, with its chalky white formations, offer a unique desert experience. Consider a guided tour to explore this natural wonder.

Cultural Experiences

Egyptian Museum

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo houses an extensive collection of artifacts, including the treasures of Tutankhamun. A guided tour can provide insights into Egypt’s rich history.

Religious Sites

Egypt’s religious sites, including mosques and Coptic churches, reflect the country’s spiritual diversity. The Mosque of Muhammad Ali in Cairo is particularly noteworthy.

Siwa Oasis

Siwa Oasis, near the Libyan border, offers a glimpse into traditional Berber culture. Explore ancient ruins, natural springs, and enjoy local hospitality.

Religious Festivals

Participate in local religious festivals to immerse yourself in Egyptian traditions. The Moulid of Sayyid Ahmed al-Badawi in Tanta is one of the largest Sufi festivals.

Travel Advice


  • Air: Cairo International Airport is the main gateway. Nile Air and other local operators provide domestic flights.
  • Train: Consider luxurious sleeper trains for travel between major cities like Cairo and Luxor.
  • Bus: Buses connect main cities and tourist areas. Private tour operators offer comfortable options.


  • Hotels: From luxury resorts in Red Sea to budget hotels in big cities, options abound.
  • Nile Cruises: Nile cruises offer accommodation and sightseeing in one package.


  • Exercise Caution: Follow the advice of Egyptian authorities, especially in sensitive areas like North Sinai.
  • Health Precautions: Consult your home country’s health guidelines for vaccinations and other precautions.


  • Bargaining: Bargaining is common in markets. Enjoy the experience but be respectful.
  • Souvenirs: Consider buying traditional Egyptian crafts like papyrus paintings and alabaster statues.


  • Language: Arabic is the official language. English is widely spoken in tourist areas.

Local Cuisine

Egyptian cuisine is a delightful blend of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern flavors. Here’s what to try:

  • Koshari: A popular street food made of rice, lentils, pasta, and topped with tomato sauce and fried onions.
  • Ful Medames: A hearty dish of fava beans, often enjoyed for breakfast.
  • Shawarma: Grilled meat, usually served in a flatbread wrap.
  • Baklava: A sweet pastry made of layers of filo, filled with nuts and sweetened with syrup.

Shopping and Souvenirs

Egypt offers a unique shopping experience, from bustling bazaars to modern malls. Here’s what to look for:

  • Khan El Khalili: Cairo’s famous market, where you can find everything from spices to jewelry.
  • Papyrus Paintings: A beautiful souvenir representing ancient Egyptian art.
  • Alabaster Statues: Hand-carved figures, often representing gods and goddesses.
  • Cotton Products: Egypt is known for its high-quality cotton, so consider buying textiles.

Etiquette and Customs

  • Dress Modestly: Especially in religious sites and rural areas. Women should consider covering shoulders and knees.
  • Greetings: A handshake is common, often accompanied by a friendly “Salaam Alaikum” (Peace be upon you).
  • Tipping: Known as “baksheesh,” tipping is common in Egypt for various services.

Health and Safety

  • Water: Drink bottled water and avoid ice in rural areas.
  • Vaccinations: Consult your healthcare provider for recommended vaccinations.
  • Sun Protection: The sun can be intense, so wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat.

Connectivity and Communication

  • Internet: Wi-Fi is widely available in hotels and cafes in major cities.
  • Local SIM Card: Consider buying a local SIM card from operators like Vodafone or Orange for mobile data.

Special Considerations

  • Photography: Be mindful when taking photos, especially near military installations or government buildings. Some ancient sites may require a camera gear permit.
  • Travel Insurance: Ensure you have comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and other unexpected events.
  • Tour Guides: Consider hiring a private guide or joining a tour company for in-depth insights into Egypt’s history and culture.

Questions about Visiting Egypt

1. Is Egypt Friendly to American Tourists?

Yes, Egypt is generally friendly to American tourists and travelers from other countries. The Egyptian people are known for their warm hospitality, and tourists often feel welcomed. However, it’s advisable to respect local customs and traditions to ensure a positive experience.

2. Is It Safe to Go to Egypt Right Now?

Safety in Egypt can vary by region, and it’s essential to stay updated with travel advisories from your home country’s government. Major tourist areas like Cairo, Luxor, and Red Sea resorts are typically considered safe, but caution should be exercised in areas like North Sinai. Following the guidance of local authorities and tour operators can enhance safety.

3. How Much Should I Budget for a Trip to Egypt?

The budget for an Egypt trip can vary widely based on factors like accommodation, activities, and dining preferences. On average, a mid-range traveler might spend around $50-$70 per day, excluding international flights. Luxury options can be significantly higher. It’s wise to plan ahead and consider factors like guided tours, Nile cruises, and entrance fees to ancient sites.

4. How Many Days Do I Need in Egypt?

The number of days needed for an Egypt itinerary depends on what you want to see and do. A typical 7-10 day trip can cover highlights like Cairo, the Pyramids of Giza, Luxor, Aswan, and a Red Sea resort. If you wish to explore more extensively, including a Nile cruise or visiting places like Abu Simbel and the White Desert, a 14-day trip might be more suitable.

5. Is Having Cash on Hand Important in Egypt?

Yes, having cash, especially small bills in Egyptian pounds, is essential in Egypt. While credit cards are accepted in big cities and tourist areas, many local vendors, taxis, and rural areas prefer cash. ATMs are widely available, but it’s wise to carry some cash for convenience.

6. What Are the Best Insider Tips for Egypt Travel?

Some insider tips for Egypt travel include dressing modestly to respect local culture, bargaining in markets, hiring a private guide for in-depth insights into ancient sites, staying hydrated with bottled water, and being mindful of photography rules, especially near military or government buildings.


Visiting Egypt is a journey through time, where ancient wonders meet modern vibrancy.

Whether exploring the pyramids of Giza, diving in the Red Sea, or experiencing the hospitality of rural areas, Egypt offers a rich and diverse travel experience. This Egypt travel guide aims to provide comprehensive insights to help you plan your Egypt itinerary, ensuring a memorable and trouble-free adventure.

Egypt, with its rich heritage and diverse landscapes, offers a travel experience that transcends time. From the awe-inspiring Pyramids of Giza to the tranquil waters of the Red Sea, from the bustling streets of Cairo to the serene Nile Valley, Egypt’s allure is timeless.

This Egypt travel guide aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the country, equipping you with the knowledge and confidence to explore the wonders of ancient Egypt and embrace the warmth of its people.

Whether you’re planning a day trip to the Giza Pyramids, a Nile cruise through Upper Egypt, or a relaxing stay in Sharm El Sheikh, the insights and tips provided in this guide will help you navigate your journey with ease. Embrace the opportunity to immerse yourself in a culture that has shaped human history, and create memories that will last a lifetime.



