Egypt Christmas Weather

As the winter solstice approaches and the world prepares to celebrate Christmas, Egypt, a country steeped in ancient history and rich culture, offers a unique experience.

The Egypt Christmas weather is a refreshing change from the typical chilly and snow-laden landscapes associated with the holiday season.

This article delves into the weather conditions that you may experience when you visit Egypt in December and the unique charm that the country holds during this time.

December Weather in Egypt: A General Overview

Egypt, located in North Africa, experiences a desert climate, which is characterized by hot summers and cooler winters. However, the term ‘cool’ is relative, as the average temperatures in Egypt during December range from a pleasant 20°C (68°F) to a mild 15°C (59°F).

In comparison to the scorching summer heat, the December temperatures in Egypt offer a more comfortable climate for exploring the country’s numerous historical sites. The weather in Egypt in December is, therefore, one of the main reasons why tourists choose this time to visit.

Egypt’s Popular Destinations in December


Cairo, the capital city of Egypt, is a bustling metropolis that beautifully blends the ancient and the modern. The December weather conditions in Cairo are quite agreeable, with average temperatures hovering around 20°C (68°F) during the day and dropping slightly to around 11°C (52°F) at night.

This pleasant weather is perfect for exploring the city’s numerous attractions, including the ancient pyramids, without the discomfort of the intense summer heat. Furthermore, the International Cairo Biennale, a popular art event, usually takes place in December, making the city an even more exciting destination.

Luxor and Valley of the Kings

Luxor, home to the Valley of the Kings, is another popular destination that benefits from the pleasant December weather in Egypt.

The average temperatures here range between 10°C (50°F) and 24°C (75°F), providing a comfortable climate for tourists to explore the ancient tombs.

Sharm El Sheikh and the Red Sea Resorts

For those looking for a warm Christmas, the resorts along the Red Sea, such as Sharm El Sheikh, are an excellent choice. The average temperatures here remain around 20°C (68°F), and rainfall is almost non-existent, making it ideal for beach holidays.

The Red Sea is also a popular destination for diving and snorkeling, with its warm waters teeming with colorful marine life.

Christmas in Egypt: A Unique Experience

Egypt celebrates Christmas, but not in December. The majority of Egyptians are Coptic Christians who observe Christmas on the 7th of January, following a 43-day fasting period known as the Holy Nativity Fast.

This period is marked by strict veganism. However, the Christmas spirit is still alive and well in Egypt during December, especially in areas with a high concentration of expats and tourists.

Despite the difference in dates, the spirit of Christmas permeates the air in Egypt during December. Streets and shops are adorned with festive decorations, and Christmas carols can be heard in many places.

Christmas markets pop up in various locations, offering everything from festive food and drinks to handmade crafts and gifts.

Weather Variations Across Egypt in December

North Egypt: Alexandria and the Mediterranean Coast

The northern part of Egypt, including the city of Alexandria and the Mediterranean coast, experiences slightly cooler temperatures compared to other parts of the country in December. The average temperature in Alexandria during December ranges between 11°C (52°F) and 19°C (66°F).

This part of Egypt also sees a higher chance of rainfall, though it’s still relatively low compared to other regions worldwide. The cooler weather and the possibility of a light drizzle can add a unique charm to your visit.

Ream more about the Egypt North Coast weather.

South Egypt: Aswan and Abu Simbel

In contrast, southern Egypt, including Aswan and the Abu Simbel temple, enjoys warmer weather in December. The average temperatures range from 10°C (50°F) at night to a warm 26°C (79°F) during the day.

The warm weather and clear skies provide perfect conditions for a relaxing felucca ride on the Nile River or a fascinating camel ride around the ancient monuments.

Egypt’s Weather in January and February

If your holiday extends into January or February, you can expect similar weather conditions as in December. January is slightly cooler, with temperatures ranging between 14°C (57°F) and 22°C (72°F).

February sees a slight increase in temperature, signaling the start of spring in Egypt. The weather remains pleasant, allowing tourists to continue their exploration comfortably.

Travel Tips for Egypt in December

When packing for your trip, remember that Egypt’s weather in December can be quite variable, depending on the region. For Cairo and Luxor, light clothing for the day and a medium-weight jacket for the cooler nights should suffice.

For the Mediterranean coast, consider packing a light rain jacket or umbrella. If you’re planning to visit the Red Sea resorts, don’t forget your beachwear.

The December weather in Egypt is part of the peak tourist season, so it’s a good idea to book your accommodations and tours in advance. Also, remember that while Christmas is celebrated in Egypt, it’s not on the 25th of December but on the 7th of January. So, if you’re planning to be part of the local Christmas celebrations, plan your trip accordingly.

Final Thoughts on Egypt Christmas Weather

The Egypt Christmas weather offers a unique blend of pleasant temperatures and minimal rainfall, making it a stark contrast to the winter chills experienced in many parts of the world during this season.

Whether you’re a history enthusiast keen to delve into the mysteries of the ancient Egyptian civilization, a beach lover looking for a sunny retreat, or a foodie eager to savor the flavors of Egyptian cuisine, a December trip to Egypt promises to be an unforgettable experience.

FAQ about Egypt Christmas Weather

Which month is considered the coldest in Egypt?

In Egypt, January typically experiences the lowest temperatures, although “cold” is relative here, with averages ranging between a mild 14°C (57°F) and a comfortable 22°C (72°F).

Is it advisable to visit Egypt in December?

Absolutely! December is a fantastic time to visit Egypt due to the cooler temperatures and vibrant energy. However, it’s worth noting that this period is part of the peak tourist season, so expect larger crowds and higher accommodation prices.

Is December a favorable time to explore Egypt?

Yes, December, with its pleasant temperatures and bustling holiday atmosphere, is considered one of the best times to visit Egypt.

Is Christmas a suitable period to travel to Egypt?

Indeed, with its mild winter temperatures and festive atmosphere, Egypt is a great destination for Christmas holidays. However, keep in mind that December is a peak tourist season, leading to increased accommodation costs and more crowded tourist spots.

Can one sunbathe in Egypt during December?

Yes, with an average maximum temperature of 24°C (76°F) in places like Hurghada on the Red Sea coast, December offers ample sunshine for sunbathing, despite the occasional overcast skies.

Which are the hottest months in Egypt?

Egypt experiences its highest temperatures during the months of June through August. However, rainfall is minimal, except on the coast where it’s most likely to occur between December and March.

What are the typical temperatures in Egypt in December?

In December, Egypt experiences average daily temperatures of 19°C (67°F) and average nightly temperatures of 10°C (50°F).

Is it possible to travel to Egypt during Christmas?

Yes, it’s certainly possible and quite popular to travel to Egypt during Christmas. The country offers a unique blend of pleasant weather and festive celebrations, making it a memorable holiday destination.

Does Cairo experience warm weather in December?

Yes, Cairo’s December weather is generally warm, with daily high temperatures averaging between 73°F and 67°F, and low temperatures between 56°F and 51°F.

What is the typical weather in Egypt in December?

In December, Egypt experiences mild temperatures around 60 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, dropping below 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night. It’s also the time when Egypt sees a slight increase in rainfall, so packing a rain jacket might be a good idea.

Is December considered the rainy season in Egypt?

While Egypt is predominantly dry, it does see a slight increase in rainfall in December, particularly along the coast. However, the rain is usually minimal and doesn’t significantly affect travel plans.

Does Egypt experience rainfall in December?

Yes, December is typically the rainiest month in Egypt, particularly in Cairo and other parts of the country. However, this usually only equates to about three days of precipitation, so it’s advisable to pack a light raincoat.

Is it recommended to visit Egypt in December?

Absolutely! December is a great time to visit Egypt, thanks to its warm and sunny weather. It’s especially ideal for those who prefer cooler temperatures compared to the intense heat of the Egyptian summer.

What is the weather like in Egypt during Christmas?

During Christmas, daytime temperatures in Cairo range from 66 to 73°F, while evenings can drop to a brisk 48 to 53°F. In southern regions like Luxor and Abu Simbel, days are warmer, but the nights can get quite chilly.

Is Egypt warm in December?

Yes, despite being winter, Egypt’s December weather is quite warm with daytime temperatures around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. However, evenings can get cooler, dropping below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, so packing a warm layer is advisable.



