The Majestic Statue of Ramesses II: A Testament to Ancient Egypt’s Grandeur

The statue of Ramesses II, an awe-inspiring monument from ancient Egypt, is a testament to the grandeur of a civilization that once held sway over the Nile.

This colossal image of the great king, carved from limestone, has stood the test of time, a silent witness to the reign of one of Egypt’s most powerful pharaohs.

The Reign of Ramesses II

Ramesses II, often referred to as Ramesses the Great, was the third pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty of Egypt. His reign, which spanned 66 years from 1279 to 1213 BC, was marked by an era of prosperity and monumental building.

Known as the “King of Kings,” Ramesses II was revered as a god, and his image was immortalized in numerous statues and temples across the kingdom.

The Statue: An Enormous Monument

The statue of Ramesses II is an enormous monument, a grand testament to the king’s divine status. Standing at a full height of 11 meters and weighing over 7.25 tons, it was initially carved out of a single block of limestone. The sculpture, now housed in the Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza, depicts the pharaoh seated on his throne, a symbol of his absolute power and authority.

The statue’s face is carved with a serene expression, a supposed reflection of the king’s divine wisdom. The pharaoh’s headdress, adorned with the “uraeus” (a representation of the sacred asp), signifies his rule over the two lands of Upper and Lower Egypt. The statue is also covered in hieroglyphics, detailing the king’s numerous victories and accomplishments.

The Statue’s Journey

The journey of the statue of Ramesses II is as remarkable as the king’s reign. Originally located at the pharaoh’s great temple in the ancient capital of Pi-Ramesses in the Nile Delta, the statue was moved in antiquity to a temple in Memphis. Over centuries, the statue was lost under layers of silt and sand, only to be rediscovered in 1820 by an Italian explorer, Giovanni Caviglia.

In 1955, the Egyptian government, recognizing the statue’s historical significance, moved it to Cairo’s Ramses Square (Bab Al Hadid Square), where it became a prominent landmark. However, the statue’s location in the heart of a bustling city exposed it to pollution and vibration damage. In 2006, it was decided to move the statue to a safer location – the Grand Egyptian Museum.

The relocation was a monumental task. The statue, broken into six pieces for preservation, was transported in specially designed vehicles. The journey from Ramses Square to the museum was broadcast live, a testament to the statue’s significance in Egypt’s cultural heritage.

The Grand Egyptian Museum: A New Home

The Grand Egyptian Museum, located near the Giza Plateau, is the statue’s current home. The museum houses a vast collection of artifacts from Egypt’s ancient past, including the treasures of Tutankhamun. However, the statue of Ramesses II holds a place of prominence at the museum’s entrance, welcoming visitors from around the world.

The Legacy of Ramesses II

The legacy of Ramesses II continues to inspire awe and admiration. His image, immortalized in the statue, serves as a reminder of the grandeur of a civilization that once straddled the Nile, its temples and monuments a testament to a glorious past. As the saying goes, “Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” For the statue of Ramesses II, it’s not about despair, but about the awe-inspiring testament to the grandeur of Egypt’s ancient history.

The Statue’s Artistic and Historical Significance

The statue of Ramesses II is not just a testament to the king’s power and divine status, but also a remarkable piece of artistry. The attention to detail, the intricate carvings, and the overall composition reveal the skill and craftsmanship of ancient Egyptian sculptors.

The statue’s artistic significance is further enhanced by its historical context. It provides valuable insights into the reign of Ramesses II, the religious beliefs, and the socio-political dynamics of ancient Egypt.

The Statue’s Cultural Impact

The cultural impact of the statue of Ramesses II extends beyond Egypt’s borders. The statue has been a source of inspiration for artists, writers, and filmmakers worldwide. It has been depicted in numerous works of literature and has been featured prominently in films about ancient Egypt. The statue’s image has also been used in various forms of media to represent the grandeur and mystery of ancient Egypt.

The Statue’s Influence on Modern Architecture

The influence of the statue of Ramesses II can be seen in various architectural structures around the world. Many modern buildings, especially those built in the neoclassical style, have been inspired by the statue’s grandeur and majesty.

The statue’s image has been replicated in various forms, from full-scale replicas to smaller versions used as decorative elements.

The Statue’s Role in Tourism

The statue of Ramesses II plays a significant role in Egypt’s tourism industry. It is one of the most visited attractions in the Grand Egyptian Museum and is often featured in promotional materials to attract tourists. The statue’s iconic status and historical significance make it a must-see for anyone visiting Egypt.

The Statue’s Preservation

The preservation of the statue of Ramesses II is a priority for the Egyptian government and international organizations dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage.

Efforts are ongoing to ensure the statue’s protection from environmental factors and to preserve it for future generations.

The statue’s relocation to the Grand Egyptian Museum is a part of these efforts, providing it with a controlled environment that ensures its long-term preservation.


The statue of Ramesses II is a monument that transcends time. It stands as a testament to the grandeur of a king, the artistic prowess of ancient Egypt, and the enduring allure of a civilization that continues to captivate the world’s imagination.

The statue’s journey, from its original location in the ancient capital to its current home in the Grand Egyptian Museum, is a narrative of preservation, reverence, and cultural pride.

As one walks through the museum’s entrance, greeted by the serene gaze of the king who once ruled the two lands, it’s hard not to be awestruck by the sheer majesty of this timeless monument.

FAQ about Statue Of Ramesses Ii

How many statues did Ramesses II commission of himself?

Ramesses II, during his extended reign, commissioned an impressive number of around 350 statues, from the Mediterranean to Nubia. Of these, nearly 50 are of colossal proportions, showcasing the grandeur of this revered pharaoh.

Did Ramses II construct any temples?

Yes, Ramses II was an avid builder and constructed several significant structures, including the temples at Abu Simbel, the hall at Karnak, the complex at Abydos, the Ramesseum at Thebes, and countless other buildings, monuments, and temples, establishing his reign as a golden era of Egyptian art and culture.

What was the purpose behind Ramses constructing temples?

Ramses constructed the Temple at Abu Simbel and many others to assert his power, instill awe in his enemies, and elevate himself to the status of the gods.

Which construction is Ramses II most renowned for?

Ramses II is most famous for his architectural feats, particularly the Ramesseum and the temples of Abu Simbel. His interest in architecture led to the creation of more monuments than any other ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

What kind of statues did Ramses II construct?

Ramses II aimed to leave an indelible mark of his reign, and this is evident in the magnificent temple at Abu Simbel, which at its entrance boasts four colossal seated statues of him, serving as sentinels.

Who was the discovered statue in Cairo attributed to?

The statue discovered in Cairo was attributed to the Pharaoh Ramses II, a testament to his enduring legacy.

What was the purpose of building temples in Egypt?

Temples in Egypt were sacred places where priests served the gods. They were seen as the earthly homes of the deities they were dedicated to. The gods were believed to reside within their statues in the temple’s shrine, making these temples vital repositories of cultural knowledge.

Why was the temple of Ramses specifically built?

The Abu Simbel temple was constructed as a place for people to worship Pharaoh Ramses II as a god post his death, and as a display of power towards the recently conquered territory of Nubia. The temple’s most notable feature are the four colossal statues of Ramses II on the outside.

What was the reason behind Ramses the Great building temples?

Ramses the Great constructed the Temple at Abu Simbel and other temples in Egypt to instill fear in his adversaries and establish himself among the gods.

Why did Ramses II construct statues of himself?

Ramses II constructed over 10 monuments, including statues of himself, to portray his heroism at Kadesh. This served as propaganda to enhance his reputation and reinforce the power of the Egyptian state.

Where was the statue of Ramses II discovered?

The statue of Ramses II, a figure that depicts him standing, was discovered in 1820 by Giovanni Battista Caviglia at the Great Temple of Ptah near Memphis, Egypt.

When was the temple built by Ramses?

The main temple of the Abu Simbel complex was carved out of the mountain on the west bank of the Nile between 1274 and 1244 BC. This imposing structure was as much dedicated to the deified Ramses II himself as to Ra-Horakhty, Amun, and Ptah.

What is significant about the Temple of Ramses II?

The Great Temple, also known as the Temple of Ramses II, was dedicated to the gods Amun, Ra-Horakhty, and Ptah, as well as to the Great King Ramesses himself. It is widely considered the grandest and most beautiful of the temples commissioned during Ramses II’s reign, and one of the most beautiful in Egypt.

How many statues of Ramses II exist?

Ramses II, known as the most prolific builder of Ancient Egypt, is depicted in at least 350 statues, from the Mediterranean to Nubia. Among them, nearly 50 are colossal statues, a testament to the grandeur of this great Pharaoh.

What is the significance of the statue of Ramses II?

The statue of Ramses II is significant as it represents a connection to the divine. In this case, Ramses II is believed to have been under the protection of the god Osiris. The statue was erected to commemorate the victory over the Hittites in the Battle of Kadesh in 1274 B.C.

Which pharaoh’s statue was discovered in Cairo?

The statue discovered in Cairo was of Pharaoh Ramses II, one of the most powerful and revered pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

Why is the statue of Ramses II important?

The statue of Ramses II holds importance as it was constructed to celebrate the victory over the Hittites in the Battle of Kadesh in 1274 B.C. This battle was a significant event during the reign of Ramses II.



