Ras Mohammed National Park: A Dive into Egypt’s Underwater Paradise

Ras Mohammed National Park, or Ras Mohamed as it is sometimes spelled, is a world-renowned marine reserve and national park located at the southernmost tip of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.

This park, perched on the edge of the Red Sea, is a stunning example of the country’s commitment to preserving its natural heritage, managed by the Egyptian Environment Affairs Agency.

The park is a unique complex of both terrestrial and marine ecosystems, making it a hotspot for biodiversity.

A Glimpse into the Park’s Geography

Ras Mohammed National Park, occupying the extreme southern end of the Sinai Peninsula, is a magnificent blend of sea and desert. The park extends from the inland area, featuring desert foxes roaming over sand dunes and mountains, to the pristine shoreline of the Red Sea.

The coastal mud plains and salt marshes further add to the park’s diverse landscape. This park, which is literary translated as “Mohammed’s Head,” is a testament to the breathtaking beauty of the Egyptian landscape.

The Underwater World of Ras Mohammed

The true magic of the Ras Mohammed National Park, however, lies beneath the surface of the crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea. The park is famous for its exceptional coral reefs, which are considered among the most beautiful in the world.

The underwater world of Ras Mohammed is teeming with a vast assortment of marine life, from colourful fish and graceful dolphins to intriguing sea urchins and soft corals.

The park’s marine reservation is home to more than 200 species of coral and 1000 species of fish, making it a diver’s paradise. The coral reefs of Ras Mohammed, particularly the Shark Reef and Yolanda Reef, are famous diving sites, attracting scuba diving and snorkeling enthusiasts from around the globe.

The diversity of the species that compose this complete ecosystem is truly astounding, offering an unparalleled underwater experience.

Diving into Ras Mohammed’s Reefs

Ras Mohammed National Park is a must-visit for any diving enthusiast. The park’s two most famous diving sites, Shark Reef and Yolanda Reef, are located at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula. These reefs are renowned for their exceptional coral reef structures, housing thousands of colourful fish and other marine species.

The Shark Observatory, another popular dive site, offers divers a unique opportunity to observe various shark species in their natural habitat. The underwater visibility in Ras Mohammed National Park is excellent, making it an ideal location for underwater photography. Divers and snorkelers are often left in awe of the vibrant colours and diversity of the marine life that inhabits the park’s coral reefs.

Ras Mohammed’s Peninsula and Its Islands

Ras Mohammed National Park also includes two islands, Tiran and Sanafir, located in the Gulf of Aqaba. These islands are a part of the park’s marine reserve and are famous for their beautiful coral reefs and rich marine life. The islands’ beaches are perfect for relaxation after a day of exploring the park’s underwater world.

The park’s peninsula, at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, offers visitors a chance to explore the desert and coastal ecosystems of Ras Mohammed. The inland area of the park is home to various species of desert wildlife, including desert foxes and various bird species. The park’s pristine shoreline, with its crystal-clear waters and beautiful coral reefs, is a stunning sight to behold.

The Wildlife of Ras Mohammed National Park

While the marine life of Ras Mohammed National Park often steals the spotlight, the park’s terrestrial wildlife is equally fascinating. The inland area of the park is home to a variety of species, including the desert fox, Nubian ibex, and several species of reptiles and birds. These species have adapted to the harsh desert conditions, contributing to the unique biodiversity of the park.

The park’s coastal mud plains and salt marshes are also home to various bird species, including herons, gulls, and ospreys. During the migration seasons, the park becomes a temporary home for many migratory bird species, making it a birdwatcher’s paradise.

The Human Impact and Conservation Efforts

Despite its beauty and biodiversity, Ras Mohammed National Park faces numerous challenges. Overfishing, pollution, and climate change threaten the park’s marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The park’s coral reefs, in particular, are vulnerable to the effects of climate change and human activities.

The Egyptian Environment Affairs Agency, which manages the park, has implemented various measures to protect and preserve the park’s unique ecosystems. These measures include strict regulations on fishing and diving, as well as ongoing monitoring and research programs to study the park’s biodiversity and environmental conditions. Visitors to the park are encouraged to respect these regulations to help preserve the park’s natural beauty for future generations.

The Unforgettable Experience of Ras Mohammed National Park

A visit to Ras Mohammed National Park is more than just a trip; it’s an unforgettable experience. Whether you’re diving into the park’s vibrant underwater world, exploring its desert landscapes, or simply relaxing on its pristine beaches, the park offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature and discover the beauty of Egypt’s natural heritage.

The park’s exceptional coral reefs, diverse marine life, and stunning desert landscapes make it one of the world’s most unique national parks. Whether you’re a seasoned diver, a nature lover, or simply a traveller seeking a unique experience, Ras Mohammed National Park has something to offer you.


Ras Mohammed National Park, located near the famous city of Sharm El Sheikh, is a jewel of Egypt’s national parks.

Whether you’re a seasoned diver, an enthusiastic snorkeler, or a nature lover, the park offers a unique experience that is sure to leave you in awe. From the vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life to the serene beauty of the desert and the pristine beaches, Ras Mohammed National Park is a testament to the beauty and diversity of Egypt’s natural landscape.

A trip to this park is a dive into a world of breathtaking beauty and diversity, offering an unforgettable exploration of Egypt’s underwater and desert treasures.

FAQ about Ras Muhammad National Park

What types of fish inhabit Ras Mohamed?

Ras Mohamed National Park, a marine reserve located at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, is home to a myriad of fish species. These include the visually striking regal angelfish, butterfly fish and spotted sweetlips, which enliven the underwater scene with their vividly patterned bodies. Additionally, the park’s famous Shark Reef hosts a variety of shark species, including hammerheads, and grey and white-tipped sharks, alongside barracudas and large tuna.

Does life exist in the Red Sea?

Yes, the Red Sea is teeming with life. Its underwater ecosystem, which includes Ras Mohammed National Park, is home to over 300 species of coral and more than 2,100 species of fish. Remarkably, 10% of these species are endemic to the Red Sea. The marine life also includes spinner dolphins, dugongs, turtles, mantas, and various species of sharks.

What fish species can be observed in Ras Mohammed?

Ras Mohammed National Park is a sanctuary for over 1000 species of fish. The park’s vibrant underwater world is adorned with colourful species such as the regal angelfish, butterfly fish, and spotted sweetlips. In certain seasons, divers can also encounter schools of barracuda, snappers, and even gigantic tuna.

Does the Red Sea host fish species?

Indeed, the Red Sea is a vibrant underwater ecosystem hosting over 2,100 species of fish. This includes unique species like spinner dolphins, dugongs, turtles, mantas, and various types of sharks.

What types of fish are endemic to the Red Sea?

The Red Sea is home to numerous unique species of fish, including the Picasso triggerfish and the Crown Butterfly Fish, which is only found in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Scorpionfish and flatheads are also common sights in the sandy areas, while various species of butterflyfish hover above the colourful corals.

Which fish species are exclusive to the Red Sea?

One of the species exclusive to the Red Sea is the Crown Butterfly Fish, which feeds on coral polyps, algae, and crustaceans. This species is only found in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

How many different species of fish inhabit Ras Mohammed National Park?

Ras Mohammed National Park is a haven for marine life, housing over 1000 different species of fish.

When was Ras Muhammad National Park established?

Ras Mohamed National Park was established in 1983, making it the first National Park in Egypt.

How many species inhabit the Red Sea’s coral reef?

The coral reefs of the Red Sea, including those within Ras Mohammed National Park, are home to over 300 different species.

What is the depth of Ras Mohammed?

While most of the reefs in Ras Mohammed National Park are shallow, some dive sites can reach depths of up to 40 meters or approximately 130 feet.

What is Ras Mohammed National Park known for?

Ras Mohammed National Park is renowned for its exceptional coral reefs and rich marine life. The park is a famous diving site, attracting scuba diving and snorkeling enthusiasts from around the globe.

How many species of fish inhabit Ras Mohammed National Park?

Ras Mohammed National Park is a paradise for divers, hosting over 1000 different species of fish.

Are there barracudas in the Red Sea?

Yes, the barracuda is one of the many species of fish that inhabit the Red Sea, including the waters around Ras Mohammed National Park.

What terrestrial animals inhabit Ras Mohammed National Park?

In addition to its marine life, Ras Mohammed National Park is home to various terrestrial species, including Dorcas gazelles, Nubian ibexes, and red foxes. The park’s birdlife includes terns, herons, seagulls, and ospreys.

What is the oldest national park in Egypt?

Ras Mohammed National Park, established in 1983, holds the distinction of being Egypt’s oldest national park.

Is the Red Sea a good location for fishing?

The Red Sea, home to over 2000 different species of fish, offers a variety of fishing grounds, making it an excellent location for fishing. Species such as Barracuda, Groupers, King Mackerel, Giant Trevally, and Sailfish can be found in these waters.



