Cairo Contemporary Dance Center

Nestled in the heart of Egypt’s bustling capital, the Cairo Contemporary Dance Center (CCDC) stands as an oasis of creativity and expression. This highly revered institution is a beacon of contemporary dance, offering a platform for aspiring dancers and choreographers to hone their craft and express their unique artistic voice.


The CCDC is strategically located in the vibrant district of Mokattam, Cairo. This location is not just a geographical spot, but a cultural hub, making it a fitting home for the center. While I don’t have the exact address, it’s in the vicinity of Mokattam, a district known for its artistic pulse.

Contact Information

Unfortunately, I don’t have the exact phone number for the Cairo Contemporary Dance Center. However, their website is a rich resource of information for anyone interested in learning more about their programs, events, and initiatives.

Business Hours

The CCDC operates on a schedule that caters to the diverse needs of its students and patrons. While I don’t have the specific business hours, most dance centers like CCDC generally operate from mid-morning to late evening to accommodate different classes and rehearsals.

A Closer Look at CCDC

CCDC is a sanctuary for those passionate about contemporary dance. It offers a comprehensive 3-year program, designed to equip students with the technical skills, theoretical knowledge, and creativity needed to excel in the contemporary dance scene, both locally and globally.

The center also offers a variety of short courses and workshops catering to different skill levels and interests. These include contemporary dance, ballet, jazz, and even yoga. The center is also home to MAAT for Contemporary Art, which is Egypt’s first professional contemporary dance company.

CCDC is not just a dance center, but a community that nurtures creativity and encourages artistic dialogue. It is a space where dance enthusiasts, from beginners to professionals, can gather, learn, and create in a supportive and inspiring environment.

Reviews and Ratings

From the reviews I’ve read, CCDC is highly praised for its professional faculty, diverse course offerings, and welcoming atmosphere. It’s often described as an institution that’s not just teaching dance, but also fostering a deeper understanding of contemporary art and its role in society. The ratings reflect this sentiment, with high scores commonly given for the quality of instruction and the overall experience at the center.

The Faculty at CCDC

The Cairo Contemporary Dance Center boasts a distinguished faculty comprised of internationally trained instructors. These professionals bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the classroom, fostering an environment of excellence and innovation. The faculty is committed to nurturing the talent of each student, helping them reach their full potential through rigorous training and personalized guidance.

Performances and Events

The CCDC is not just a hub for learning but also a vibrant stage for performance. The center regularly hosts a variety of events, from student showcases to professional performances by MAAT for Contemporary Art, offering audiences a chance to witness the beauty and power of contemporary dance.

The center is also known for its participation in local and international dance festivals, further cementing its reputation as a leading institution in the field of contemporary dance. These events provide students with invaluable exposure and the opportunity to engage with a wider dance community.

Community Impact

Beyond its contributions to the field of dance, the CCDC has an undeniable impact on the local community. It serves as a cultural hub, bringing people together through the shared love of dance and art. The center actively promotes inclusivity and diversity, fostering a sense of unity and mutual respect among its students and patrons.

Moreover, the CCDC is committed to making dance accessible to all. It offers scholarships to talented dancers who may not have the means to afford formal training. This commitment to social responsibility underscores the center’s role as not just a dance institution, but a force for positive change in the community.

Final Thoughts

The Cairo Contemporary Dance Center is more than a dance school. It is a testament to the transformative power of art, a haven for creative expression, and a beacon for contemporary dance in Egypt and beyond. Whether you’re an aspiring dancer or an art enthusiast, the CCDC offers an enriching experience that transcends the traditional boundaries of dance education.



