Alexandria National Museum: A Portal to Egypt’s Rich History

Nestled in the vibrant city of Alexandria, the Alexandria National Museum is a testament to Egypt’s rich history, a beacon of culture, and a treasure trove of the past.

This museum, unlike other Egyptian museums, is a modern museum, housed in a beautifully restored Italianate mansion on Tariq Al Horreya Street, which once served as the residence for the U.S. Consulate.

The Museum’s Collection: A Glimpse into the Past

The museum’s collection spans three floors, each dedicated to a distinct epoch in Egyptian history. The first floor is dedicated to the Pharaonic epoch, the second to the Roman period, and the third to the Coptic and Islamic period. The collection is a kaleidoscope of Egypt’s past century, offering visitors a journey through time.

The first floor is a testament to the grandeur of ancient Egypt. Among the most important pieces are a painted green granite statue of a seated scribe, canopic jars used to preserve the organs of the human body during mummification, and a mosaic portrait of Queen Berenice II, wife of Ptolemy III.

The museum’s collection also includes a variety of gold and silver awards, gold plated handbags, and crystal glasses used by the royal family.

The Second Floor: A Journey through the Roman Period

Ascending to the second floor, visitors are transported to the Roman period. This era marked a significant shift in the city’s history, transforming Alexandria into a meeting place of cultures.

Here, the museum’s collection includes a stunning mosaic portrait of Mark Antony, silver coins minted during his reign, and a replica of the last supper, all displayed with modern, high-tech display techniques.

The Third Floor: A Fusion of Coptic and Islamic Cultures

The third floor offers a fusion of Coptic and Islamic cultures, reflecting the religious traditions that have shaped Egypt’s history.

This floor houses an array of Islamic objects, including golden and silver crosses, and a collection of silver crosses and light-colored ceramics from the Islamic period. A painted icon of the Virgin Mary, believed to be from the 18th century, is one of the highlights of this collection.

The Museum’s Unique Features

The Alexandria National Museum stands out among other Egyptian museums, not only for its collection but also for its modern infrastructure. A high-tech restoration laboratory ensures the preservation of the artifacts, while an electronic security system safeguards the museum’s rich collection.

Additionally, the museum boasts an audio-visual workshop, a lecture hall, and spaces for evening performances, making it a cultural hub in the city.

The museum’s transformation from an old garage into a modern museum is a testament to the effective use of available space. The restoration work has been done with meticulous attention to detail, preserving the original structure while incorporating modern elements.

The Alexandria National Museum: A Testament to Egypt’s Prime Ministers and Royal Family

The museum also pays homage to the personal histories of Egypt’s royal family and prime ministers. The museum’s collection includes a unique array of personal possessions, from gold plated handbags to crystal glasses, used by these influential figures.

These artifacts provide a unique insight into the lives of those who have shaped Egypt’s history, adding a personal touch to the grand narrative of the nation.

The Museum’s Collection: A Celebration of Alexandria’s Rich History

The museum’s collection is a celebration of Alexandria’s rich history. Each artifact, each display, is a testament to the city’s resilience, its cultural diversity, and its enduring legacy. The museum is a treasure trove of history, a portal to the past, and a beacon of culture, unlike other Egyptian museums.

The Museum’s Infrastructure: A Blend of Old and New

The museum’s infrastructure is a blend of old and new. Housed in a beautifully restored Italianate mansion, the museum has been transformed from an old garage into a modern museum, complete with a high-tech restoration laboratory, an electronic security system, and a lecture hall.

The restoration work has been done with meticulous attention to detail, preserving the original structure while incorporating modern elements. This blend of old and new is a testament to the city’s ability to adapt and evolve, reflecting its resilience and its enduring spirit.

The Museum’s Role in the Community

The museum plays a vital role in the community. It is not just a repository of artifacts but a cultural hub, a meeting place, and a center of learning. With its lecture hall and spaces for evening performances, the museum serves as a platform for cultural exchange and dialogue, fostering a sense of community and shared heritage.

The museum’s audio-visual workshop offers educational opportunities, engaging the community in the preservation and promotion of their city’s rich history.


The Alexandria National Museum is more than just a repository of artifacts. It is a living testament to the city’s rich history, a reflection of its cultural diversity, and a symbol of its resilience.

Whether you are a history enthusiast, a culture lover, or simply a curious traveler, the museum offers an enlightening and engaging experience.

From the Pharaonic epoch to the Coptic and Islamic periods, every artifact, every display, tells a story of a civilization that has shaped the world as we know it today.

FAQ about Alexandria National Museum

Is Alexandria, Egypt worth visiting?

Absolutely! While Alexandria may not be as famous as Cairo or Luxor, its unique blend of history, culture, and Mediterranean charm makes it a must-visit destination. The city’s shimmering sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and numerous sea-facing hotels enhance its appeal.

Can Alexandria be explored in a day?

Yes, a day in Alexandria can be quite fulfilling. You can delve into the city’s ancient attractions, enjoy mouth-watering seafood, and take a leisurely walk through royal gardens. A visit to the Serapeum, a temple dedicated to the god Serapis, is a great way to start your day.

What makes Alexandria famous?

Alexandria is known for its historic landmarks such as the Lighthouse of Alexandria or Pharos, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. The city was also home to the Great Library, the largest in the ancient world, and the Necropolis, a medieval wonder.

Is Alexandria or Cairo a better travel destination?

Both cities offer unique experiences. Cairo is steeped in tradition, while Alexandria embodies Mediterranean values. Cairo is bustling, whereas Alexandria offers a more laid-back vibe. Both cities provide different perspectives of modern Egyptian life and are worth visiting.

Why is Alexandria a popular tourist destination?

Alexandria, the “Pearl of the Mediterranean”, is a port city known for its historical significance, including being home to the ancient Lighthouse and the Great Library. The city’s resilience is showcased by the modern reincarnation of the Great Library in the form of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

What is the recommended duration for a trip to Alexandria?

A three-day trip is ideal to explore all the major sites in Alexandria. However, if time is limited, the city’s highlights can be visited on a day trip from Cairo or by spending a full day and staying overnight in Alexandria.

Is it safe to travel from Cairo to Alexandria?

Yes, it is safe and affordable to travel from Cairo to Alexandria. Options include bus, taxi, or train, with the latter offering a slightly longer but safer journey.

What makes Alexandria unique?

Alexandria is unique for its historical landmarks including the Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, its Great Library, once the largest in the ancient world, and the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa, one of the Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages.

Is Alexandria a safe city to visit?

Yes, despite some misconceptions about safety in Egypt, Alexandria is considered one of the safest cities in the country, making Egypt one of the safest countries in Africa for travelers.

What happened to the Museum of Alexandria?

The Museum of Alexandria’s buildings were destroyed in a civil war under the Roman emperor Aurelian in 272 CE. However, the institution’s educational and research functions seem to have continued until the 5th century.

What contributions did Alexandria make to medicine?

Alexandria made significant contributions to medicine from the 3rd century BC until the 7th century AD. It was a hub of medical innovation, including bone setting, dentistry, simple surgery, and the use of medicinal pharmacopeias.

How many days should you spend in Alexandria, Egypt?

Three days in Alexandria allows enough time to explore the city’s essence and beyond. This includes classical sights, royal gardens, contemporary architecture, and delicious food, as well as potential day trips to places like the El Alamein War Cemetery or the ancient Coptic monasteries of Wadi Natrun.

Is Alexandria, Egypt worth seeing?

Definitely! Alexandria, with its long stretches of shimmering sand, clear Mediterranean waters, and countless sea-facing hotels, offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, making it a must-see destination.

Why was Alexandria, Egypt significant in the field of medicine?

Alexandria was a significant city in the history of medicine from the 3rd century BC until the 7th century AD. Its fertile intellectual and scientific environment led to a revolutionary understanding of disease processes.

What are some interesting facts about Alexandria?

In just a century, Alexandria grew to become the largest city in the world, second only to Rome for several centuries. It was Egypt’s main Greek city, home to a diverse Greek population, and it produced the Septuagint, a Greek version of the Tanakh.

Is Alexandria safer than Cairo?

Both Alexandria and Cairo are safe cities to visit. However, Alexandria is often considered more laid-back and relaxed compared to the bustling city of Cairo.



